Gratitude: 77 Things To Make You Smile

18 Jul

Recently, driving in the glorious Ohio countryside on a very hot, sparkly, sunshiny day, I started thinking about all the wonderful things there are to smile about.  Here are 77 to start with, and if you have more to add, please do!  The things that make us smile are limitless.  Next time something makes you smile, think about how amazing that is, and smile a second time.

77  Random Things to Smile About

  1. Sunshine
  2. That happy feeling of love
  3. Giggles
  4. Ice Cream cones
  5. Traveling somewhere you don’t speak the language and being able to communicate anyway with something akin to charades or Pictionary, proving we’re all human and love the same things
  6. Helping a nonprofit for a few minutes online with Sparked
  7. Cozy thunderstorms
  8. Uplifting quotes
  9. Smiling at a stranger and them smiling back
  10. Donating miles or rewards points with Kula Causes
  11. An elderly lady lovingly tending her garden
  12. Driving on a barren stretch of highway where you can see rolling hills for miles
  13. Old-fashioned town squares
  14. Funny road signs
  15. Fireworks
  16. Jumping into the deep end of a cold swimming pool – 30 seconds later
  17. Tofurkey. Just saying it.
  18. Cows
  19. Dollar store treasures
  20. Babies laughing
  21. Hawks gliding like kites in the air
  22. The smell of Play-Doh
  23. Bubbles. All manner of bubbles.
  24. Dogs who look like they’re smiling
  25. Bacon
  26. The impact a $25 microloan on Kiva makes in changing someone’s life
  27. Finding a four-leaf clover
  28. The first sip of ice-cold water on a scorching-hot day
  29. That pucker face you make when you bite a lemon (or maybe a pickle)
  30. Real hand-written letters in the mail
  31. The friends you make on Twitter
  32. That moment when you smell something that evokes some very pleasant memory, but you can’t quite place it, but then later you remember it fondly
  33. Doing something you thought was “impossible”
  34. Empathy
  35. Laughing fits that make your eyes water and your stomach muscles hurt
  36. Realizing how lucky you are
  37. Serendipity
  38. An America flag with the sun shining behind it so it’s almost glowing
  39. Rainbows
  40. The mesmerizing colors and flight of hummingbirds and dragonflies
  41. Stand-up comedy
  42. Getting lost and stumbling on an adventure
  43. Walking barefoot on grass, or soft sand
  44. Compassion
  45. Doing something good for the environment
  46. Being prepared for anything
  47. Describing to any 10-year-old that we didn’t have the internet, or even cell phones, when we were their age
  48. Family
  49. Running into someone you know in a big city you don’t live in
  50. 30 Rock
  51. Really cool bugs — as long as they’re not on you
  52. Picnics on a whim
  53. Frozen lemonade
  54. Trying to stay clean when it’s muddy, then finally getting a little muddy, then what the heck, just going for it and getting all mud-licious
  55. Smelling roses when they’re warm in the sun
  56. Venice Beach
  57. Curiosity
  58. Optimism
  59. The sound of rain hitting a tent or maybe a window if it’s really quiet
  60. Festivals
  61. Food items presented on sticks
  62. “Puffy clouds”
  63. Walking in the rain, splashing in puddles, and getting soaking wet even though you don’t have spare clothes
  64. Learning a new language so you can eavesdrop in cafes in other countries
  65. Wagging tails
  66. Any moment when you think, “Life is good.”
  67. Farmer’s markets
  68. Walking in the woods
  69. Hearing from a long-lost friend
  70. Quirky little factoids you never knew
  71. Whistling in a store, then hearing someone else start whistling, and knowing they’ll shortly wonder why they just started whistling
  72. Helping a nonprofit for a few months with Taproot or Catchafire
  73. Spotting unexpected wildlife
  74. Sparkly things, especially disco balls
  75. Smartphones
  76. People
  77. Adding your own  smile-inducing things to this list in the comments 😀


6 Responses to “Gratitude: 77 Things To Make You Smile”

  1. Beth July 19, 2012 at 2:46 am #

    Nature- flowers, aspens quaking in the breeze, green lush grass to walk through barefoot, stars in the sky, rainbows, waterfalls, sandy beaches, and more. People- babies, parents, siblings, other relatives, spouses, friends, teachers, mentors,Pets. Special places- home, vacation rental, sacred spiritual place, swimming pool,amusement park, penny arcade. Travel to new places to make new discoveries. Things that sparkle or are made up of beautiful colors. Learning. Books. Music. Ping pong. Miniature golf. Hot chocolate in front of a fireplace when it’s snowing outside. The opportunity to do work that you love. So very much more….

  2. Robert Bell July 25, 2012 at 12:28 am #

    A school playground – free, yet controlled; chaotic, yet secure.

  3. KULA Causes (@KULAcauses) August 10, 2012 at 4:31 pm #

    – Puppy breath
    – Napping in a hammock
    – Launching a project
    – Being mentioned in Amy Neumann’s blog post

    (Thank you!)

    This post is a fantastic inspiration to remember the little (and big) things.

  4. Khalid October 24, 2012 at 7:17 am #

    1- when your kid start walking.
    2- when you hear the voice of your Mother or Father.
    3- when you see crazy car accident.
    4- when you give donation.
    5- when you finish your Prayer.
    6- when you have a guest.
    7- when you reach home after a long trip.
    8- when you eat a nice meal.
    9- when you come early.
    10- when you bring a gift to your wife.

  5. donald ukponu October 24, 2012 at 12:12 pm #

    I like number 2 and 34 tweets.Thanks for sharing what yu do


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